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衣柜拉手 橱柜拉手 家具拉手 锌合金拉手 玻璃拉手

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-03-12 11:44
8.00元/ 件
500 件

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:976
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    拉手是橱柜必不可少的一样五金装饰件。如果一件橱柜缺少了拉手的点缀,就像画龙没有点睛一样。拉手在橱柜的作用中,不光起到了装饰的作用,更重要的在于实用和方便。我们的产品高档,大方。质量上乘,手感极好! 电镀有经过48小时的盐雾测试,三年不褪色,不氧化。高档拉手的质量,中档拉手的价格,是您最实在的选择。

    China Connection Hardware Decorative Materials Co.,Ltd is a company specializing in manufacture and sales of kitchen and bathroom hardware and furniture fittings.The company adheres to the enterprise spirit of "Source of innovation,foundation of career",developing various kinds of hardware fittings for furniture and kitchen. It is the maximun social value the company pursues to relying on the spirit of"Concentration,speciality,dedication",to create for users harmonious and comfortable modern household and kitchen space.

    The handle is essential for a cupboard metal decoration.The lack of a handle embellishment such as cabinets, like painting the dragon did not draw the eye.The handle of the cupboard, not only played a decorative role, but more importantly is practical and convenient.Our products are upscale, generous, high quality, feel good! Plating after 48 hours of salt spray test,the handle is three years does not fade, no oxidation.The quality of high-grade handle is a mid-handle price, your real choice.




